Monday, December 18, 2017


I Am Quality

Who do you think you are? 
Who told you to make errands without consulting me? 
Who else gonna stay with me when the world turns against me?

I am quality. 
I reign all the released goods in each industry. 
I supposed to manage and rule the process due from commence to conclude. 
My spirit never lost in the absence of most eyes and the presence of individuals or midst. 

It remains the same and never changes through time, time after time. It would pass through the geologic time scale of a set of rebuttal arguments and conjugation to declare my very own disreputable act in nature.

Sometimes I might vary in some forms, some patterns, and some ways, yet the idea ends selfsame. My essence shall not comfortably give up by anyone for I am resilient, powerful and my fans - are global. I tend to rise like an ambulance, yet not to terrorized, if any disaster or catastrophe arises within my premises and anything surrounds this vicinity. By all these means, I conquer all from the naked eye to a tunneling membrane to the unbearable type of dust.

It saddens me most when authority deprives and consequently took me for granted or took advantage of my weakness or pointing out a pointless list or took me from their end. I might never suffice your intentions, but inner intentions kept battling for the same and for no good reason. 

Each midnight passed and I pray for my sole dignity - that one day I would stand up though vultures start forming a halo around my head. My voice would take my lungs out of that great shout, for I provoke all these rights to start my own campaign like a rebel youth. Spread out or evangelize, if possible. 

I am quality.

(Photo from Pinterest)

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